Thursday, November 3, 2011

What does it take to be successful?

Every week I Blog, and every week there are remarks of support….and detractors who say I’m part of the media spreading a delusion that everything is going to be OK. Everyone’s entitled to their opinion - and keep them coming - but I believe that attitude is everything and a bad attitude never got anyone anywhere.

Things have changed. Everything’s changed actually and I‘m finding a new way to look at things in order to survive. I read a great article in the Huffington Post that instructs that you should no longer be looking for a job, you should be looking for “opportunity!” I think that’s spot-on advice because far too many “jobs” have been eliminated permanently. Just last week hundreds of people in radio where told their job no longer existed!

So how does one go about seeking opportunity? Define your skill set and networking like crazy. Be open to trying new things and start new habits that will make your efforts successful. And it turns out that there are habits that successful people share in common, it’s not simply “luck.”

One of those key traits successful people among us share is that they’re trustworthy. Now, everyone thinks they’re trustworthy but studies show that certain behaviors can tarnish how trustworthy you’re perceived at work. “When you engage in behaviors that are indicative of low self-control, your trustworthiness is diminished. In other words, all those things you know you shouldn’t do – smoking, overeating, impulsive spending, being lazy, late, disorganized, excessively emotional, or having a quick temper – may be even worse for you than you ever realized, because of the collateral damage they are doing to your reputation.” (

Though even if you’re trusted as I was with hosting two different radio shows at my last “job” that doesn’t guarantee longevity. There’s still the game of survivor to be played! Success doesn’t guarantee a smooth ride to the top. Just like Bill Gates or Steve Jobs you have to cultivate behaviors that will pick you back up after a job loss.

The other key trait successful people share is passion. In the book Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies; more than 200 successful people were interviewed including Nelson Mandela, Steve Jobs, Maya Angelou, Steve Forbes, Quincy Jones, and Dalai Lama. Ultimately, these successful people had a passion in their lives that drove them to work hard and endlessly to succeed over a long period of time. Success isn’t instant and patience is hard to come by when you need someone to give you a paycheck. But hopefully by opening your mind to opportunity you will see your options open up as well. Feed your passions and people around you will take notice! I’m connecting with people I would’ve never met had I not lost my job and in turn they’re offering me experiences to do things I would’ve never sought out! I don’t know where this path will lead me but I’m on the way to finding out!

Keep the Faith!

Corey Dylan

To read more about traits of success:

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