Thursday, October 27, 2011

What happens when that employer Googles YOU?!?!

Let’s start with the good news: Florida’s Economy got a little giddy-up last month, creating about 23,000 jobs, more than any other state. And Tampa Bay led state metros in hiring for the second month in a row according to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity. Unemployment also fell an iota. Good. I’m happy to see things moving in the right direction, if not quickly enough for my attention span.

For me it’s been almost four months on the sidelines and I can say it’s been one of the busiest times in my life, personally and professionally. House projects that have been on the back-burner for years are all but done: painting, planting, organizing, etc. Cinderella’s got nothing on me! I’m ready for The Ball!! And professionally, I’ve never been sharper or more ready for what’s next.

Laying the groundwork for your next job is something everyone can do, even if you still have a job. It’s a lot easier to get traction if you’ve got a head start. There are plenty of things I wish I’d done ahead of getting that pink slip but I play catch-up quickly!

According to a poll of HR managers creating and crafting your online presence is one of the most important things you can do. In the near future, 40% of HR Managers believe your resume will be replaced by your user profiles on any number of social networking sites:,, etc. I see this happening already. Employers are searching me out online and finding my Blog before we even meet. I’m building a website so that I’ll simply have to send prospective employers a link to everything and anything they could want to know about my professional life: My audio/video samples, pictures, my Blog, links to FB and Twitter, etc. When your employer goes to Google you what will they find? It’s time to take control of that.

One thing this whole experience has taught me is that YOU are your biggest cheerleader. I realized that I need to be my own manager and really take control of my career and that means taking control of your image. Even if you’re not in a “high profile” industry, carefully crafting your professional image should be well under your control. Creating a website is easier than you may think and a great way to showcase just how invaluable you are and what you offer. Your website is the place where you can not only tell them who you are…you can SHOW them and it makes a much bigger impact! is a great place to create a Blog and it‘s FREE. What are you an expert on? Show them what you’ve got! Show off what you’ve accomplished! My English teachers would be proud to know that I’ve had a lot of good feedback about my writing and it’s bolstered my confidence about another skill I can add to the resume. Websites like Wordpress and LinkedIN are easy to use and you can attach links to your Facebook and Twitter accounts. You can imbed audio and video too! LinkedIN is the perfect place to showcase your professional achievements and make connections in your industry. And while we’re at it, make sure the picture you’re using in your profile is truly representative of that image you’re trying to create. If you have a friend that’s good with a camera ask them for a favor! Fix your hair, put on a little makeup, put on a nice shirt and take great care with everything that you include on your website because people are taking notice.

First impressions still count, and chances are they’re going to get that first impression about you ONLINE.

This week’s Blog was inspired by an article in the October issue of More Magazine which you can read in its entirety here;

Until next time…keep the faith!


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