Thursday, August 25, 2011

Need a Pep-Talk?

At a certain point, we all need a little inspiration, motivation, and perspective. Yesterday was one of those days for me. Yesterday wasn’t a good day. Some days everything catches up with you and you just have to run for cover. The universe must’ve know I was going to take a beating on Wednesday because I started writing this Blog earlier in the week. As it turns out, I may have written my own pep-talk!

The first months after you’ve lost a job can be an emotional see-saw! One minute you’re loving the freedom of making your own schedule; sleeping in and networking like crazy. The next you’re counting spare change and wondering what you’ll do when your savings runs out! The longer your status as “unemployed” continues the deeper you need to dig but you find out what you’re made of. I’d forgotten just how tough it can be so my hat goes off to you if you’ve been on the sidelines awhile. There haven’t been any major changes in the way I’m living (yet) as I’ve made the decision to keep living my life and reach for my goals. Not having a job has allowed me to reevaluate what I want to do, make a plan, and START DOING IT! Sometimes when you’re in a job long enough or working with people who aren’t passionate about what you do you can lose focus. Surrounding myself with people that have been supportive and professionals who are cheering me on is giving me energy and I’m feeding off of it! I’m focused.

The next stage of your life is sometimes dropped on your doorstep and you can feel a little helpless when it’s not in your control or it wasn‘t your choice. That’s life. But that’s the time to TAKE control and make things happen! Chances are you won’t be successful in something you’re not passionate about so it’s time to remember what it is that invigorates you and pour your energy into it. What do YOU love doing? I love broadcasting. Always have. Always will. I know without a doubt I was meant to do this and that‘s why I have confidence and energy and enthusiasm for my next gig.

I’m reminded of the “Last Lecture” given by Dr. Randy Pausch: a smart, grounded guy with lofty dreams who found out that he had Pancreatic Cancer in the prime of his life. If you need inspiration watch this video: Sadly, Dr. Pausch lost his cancer battle in July of 2008, but I took this lecture to heart. It puts everything in perspective for me.

I’ve never wasted much time on people who told me I couldn’t do something. What do they know? They’re holding you back! No doubt about it, being in a job you hate or unemployed will have very tough moments. So today I’m refocused on the things that I know I’m good at. What we all need to remember is that “the brick walls that are in our way are there for a reason. They’re not there to keep us out. They’re there to give us a way to show how much we want it!“ I think it’s ok to expect obstacles. You know that nothing worth having is easy. You just have to find the strength to push those obstacles out of your way and you CAN do it.

Until next time…Keep the faith!

A couple of articles you may find interesting:

How to make money using CraigsList:

5 Things You Should Bring To An Interview:>1=23000

Thursday, August 18, 2011

WHY ME?!?!

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." ~Thomas Edison

You know what? “Why Me” is a question I never asked when I was fired. I’ve been fired before and I‘ve chosen an unstable industry in an unstable time. Almost 2 out of every 10 Floridians are out of work so why NOT me? I’m not taking it personally. I’m looking at unemployment as a new lease on life and the opportunity I needed to spread my wings!

With the U.S. Economy feeling like a roller-coaster, you’re not alone if you think there’s nothing left to do than take your future by the reigns. You can’t rely on corporate America to pull you up if you’re unemployed. You have to create work for yourself and that’s why I’m on the hustle.

I don’t know if I’d say I’m “reinventing” myself but I’m certainly finding that being open to new and different opportunities is opening doors for me. It’s time for a big change and I’m ready and excited about it! Video work? Yes! TV presenter? I’d love to! Radio/Webcast hostess? Sure! For me, trying new things is freeing and invigorating.

As it turns out, many people are leaving corporate America behind in search of something more fulfilling and looking to do things they’ve long put off. Good for you! It’s exciting, isn’t it? Even if you are still gainfully employed, you may want to think about starting something new that may bring you a little cash on the side. I don’t know why I waited this long to create a blog or website and try to diversify myself. Relying on one source for an income doesn’t seem to be working for anyone anymore. I really admire those that go out on their own and make things happen. These days it seems like a smarter thing to do even if it‘s a tremendous challenge! A wise new friend just told me this week, “YOU are in charge of your future!” Thanks, Skip Mahaffey! I believe that I am! After all, I’ve never been the type to sit by the phone and wait for it to ring. ;)

Until next time, keep the faith!
Corey Dylan

Interesting reads:
“Employees Bid Farewell To Corporate America”

“16 Job Search Errors Often Made”

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Firing good people is stupid - just ask the experts!

While it’s stressful not knowing where my next paycheck is coming from I’ve worked in this business long enough and learned the hard way that you have to have money saved. Money comes and money goes in everyone’s life and when it goes, you’d better be prepared. The problem today is that we have to be prepared to be out of work longer than ever but most Americans don’t even have $1000 in the bank to cover an emergency expense!!! (1)

You’re not the only one in debt though. Most of the big radio companies are millions, even billions of dollars in debt because they too were living on credit and they continue to drive it into a ditch. As my colleague, Mason Dixon, said in this week’s St. Petersburg Times article, “radio ate itself” and it continues to chew away, much to my dismay. (2)

Modern management thinks the answer to long-term problems is layoffs. Look how much money we’re saving!!! Oops. Short-sighted, boys. The latest collection of research says that reducing staff means INCREASED costs long-term, not to mention you‘re burning out the employees you still have. Read more about it here:

Layoffs don’t increase profits long term. And morale? The people I left behind are living in fear of losing their jobs. Many have also confided that they’ve finally had it with the “business” of radio. Their hearts are no longer in it and I know you can‘t win if you don‘t believe in what you‘re trying to achieve. While my future is uncertain I’m actually still really excited about radio and the media! I have a renewed love for what I do and I can’t wait to see what’s next. I’ve talked to people who love what they do too and are at the top of their game. I’m certain that good things are ahead for you too but you have to play on the right team. Is your Pied Piper leading you down the right path? If they think layoffs are the answer it’s likely they’re shooting themselves in the foot. .

Everyone asks me, ‘Did you know they were going to flip formats?’ Not exactly, but I was in a situation where I was told that I was the only one that cared about the radio station and for that reason the station suffered. Does any team stand a chance when the only one that cares is the cheerleader? I really appreciate the support 101.5 The Point’s listeners have given me during this time. I’m sorry that you feel as if no one cared about you and your love for the 80s/90s genre. We had the most passionate, intelligent audience I’ve ever experienced in radio.

More than a month into my unemployment I can honestly say I’m enjoying it. I’ve been here before and there’s no use in worrying about things you can’t control. If you use the time wisely to improve your skills, network, and put out your feelers for a new job you don’t have time to feel sorry for yourself and you‘ll land the next job more quickly. I’m enjoying the time spent with friends, the vacation I took to celebrate my birthday, and I love talking to the best in the business. So many doors are opening and I’m the kind of person who loves to try new things! I think you have to flexible too. Sometimes life gives you a little “shove.” Why not enjoy the ride and see where it takes you? It might be the best experience of your life and you just might land your dream job!

Keep the Faith!
Corey Dylan

