Thursday, September 29, 2011

Are you a quitter? New Blog post today!


When the Rays clinched a playoff spot last night there were few people left in the bars and the stadium to see it. Sure, it was a weeknight. Yes, they were down 7-0 late in the game but the bases were LOADED and I wasn’t giving up hope. I’m glad I didn’t. That was some of the most exciting baseball I have ever seen and the payoff was pure joy! What in the World did Joe Maddon say to his players that kept them focused and fighting to survive when beating the Yankees seemed impossible? I wish I knew but I’m certain he’s a great motivator. It’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when you’re unemployed especially when you’re trying so hard to land a job but the employers aren’t responding!

You get a lot of question and plenty of unsolicited advice when you’re out of work. Most people are positive and understandably curious. Some are just curious and nosey. Hallmark has even come out with a line of cards aimed at those of us who have recently lost a job!?! Believe me, no one who’s unemployed wants a card to mark the occasion unless it comes with money stuffed inside or a job offer. They don’t want to be asked “did you get a job yet?” But If you have a referral or an experience to share then please do!

I haven’t had an offer yet but I’m keeping up the fight until I hear “no thanks.” I know I would do a great job for any or all of the employers should they give me the chance so the ball is in their court. The first interview went really well. I was told they plan to move slowly and I was left with a “We’ll be in touch.” I really want that job. The second interview ended with the request for references and the promise of a second interview for that job. Yesterday, I had my third interview with a company whose goal is creating a nationally syndicated radio show and it went really, really well! They called me in ahead of an open casting call which I plan to attend too. All three positions are open and everybody’s moving “slow” to hire so I don’t have answers as to their timeline. I’ve sent my “thank you” letters and will start making the follow-up emails/calls today. I want to work!

After yesterday’s interview I went to Panera for a late lunch and witnessed a potential hire getting interviewed for a job there! She was a young woman with a part-time job at Publix looking to work a second job! I watched and tried to hear what was said with great interest! “Why do you want to work for us?” “Describe a situation that was difficult with a customer and how you handled it.” “What job specifically would you prefer to handle?” There was some hesitation in her answers and it reminded me that we all need to ask ourselves these questions before we get to the interview so that we’re prepared when we are asked. By the end of her interview both the employer and the interviewee were smiling and seemed to have created a rapport. What most employers seem to be looking for is genuine interest and ENTHUSIAMS! Give it to them!

Moving from unemployed to a full-time job is a process. I don’t know anyone who’s getting hired on the spot. If you’re looking for work or know someone who is, be patient. Stay positive. And if nothing else, don’t forget to bring enthusiasm to your next job interview!

Keep the faith!
Corey Dylan

10 Things to do if you have just lost your job:

10 Ways That Being More Positive Improves Your Career (and Your Life)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Are you resisting CHANGE? New jobs coming to Tampa Bay paying $50k - $120k!

There’s an old saying, “As Florida goes, so goes the Nation.” Well, right now Floridians are staring down the second highest foreclosure rate in the country (after California) and a stubborn “official” 10.7% unemployment rate. Florida has said goodbye to more than 16,000 government workers in just the last year and that’s just one of our states biggest employers! In the headlines this week we’ve learned hundreds of new jobs are coming to the Sunshine State and the Bay Area but it can’t come quickly enough. Here’s more on when and where you’ll find these jobs that‘ll pay $50,000 to $120,000!:

Human beings naturally resist change. It’s scary. It’s uncomfortable. Unfortunately we don’t have choice but to “go with the flow“ right now. And something like a job loss almost certainly leads to major change. It might be a lower paying job in your future. It might be a job out of state. It could be the inability to pay your mortgage because you can‘t find work. You have a lot on your plate if you’re unemployed. It’s taken me a couple of slow months just to get three interviews and I‘m hearing the same thing from my fellow job-seekers! But even the friends I have who still have their jobs are struggling to pay their bills. The days of having ONE source of income may be gone and that doesn’t seem “safe” to me anymore.

I’ve been asked in my job interviews “what is it that you want to do?” Right now, I want to do it all: Radio, TV, Video, Writing, Marketing, and Social Media! I’m willing to try new things and put my energy and abilities into a number of areas. It’s exciting, really. My next interview is about a week away and it’s with a company that is having an open casting call but asked me to come in before the open call for an interview and I‘m thrilled! I’d be happy with one or ALL of these jobs. I’m ready to GO so let’s see an offer! Unfortunately, employers aren’t in as big of a hurry to hire as most of us are to work.

Accepting the fact that things have changed is the first step I’ve taken to understand that we all have to look at things differently and create a new plan. That plan will probably include things you never thought you’d do or have to do. And frankly, I don’t want to go back to the way things were. Been there, done that. Dwelling on the fact that things aren’t the way they used to be will hold us all back. However, I’ve made a plan should the day come when I can’t pay the bills. Stressing about it now won’t do me or anyone else any good. The mantra that’s keeping me going right now: Accept Change. Make a plan. Move forward. Oh, and Winston Churchill was smart guy who said, “Never, never, never, never give up.”

Keep the faith!
Corey Dylan

Friday, September 16, 2011

I've hustled to land 3 job interviews and you can too!

I had hoped once the summer ended, the kids were back in school, and vacations had been taken that the job market would start picking up and the phone would start ringing. And though it took a little longer than I’d hope the phone has started to ring and the emails are starting to ping in my inbox! I now have THREE interviews set up for the next week and I’m thrilled!: The first is with THE Radio Industry Leader, the second is with a TV station in town that’s taken notice of my Social Networking (smart company!), and the third is with a big Marketing/Ad Agency in town that’s putting together a radio/video show that sounds like a BLAST! I couldn’t be more excited to share the news that all my hard work and hustling is finally paying off for this impatient girl…..but I’m also nervous! The last time I “interviewed” for a job was ten years ago! But I also believe I didn’t just come by these interviews by sending in a resume and waiting for the phone to ring….because I didn’t wait. I’ve been bustin’ my arse every day looking for “opportunity!“ I’ve seen the crowds down at the Work Force Pinellas Center…and I can tell they’ve been at it a while. We all have to GO FOR IT! Find the energy to LAUNCH yourself into a great job!

I’ve read that the average worker will change careers about 5 times in their life but you never know where that will take you. Admittedly, that can be scary. I’ve had friends who have worked in a specific “field” for a number of years, like me, but they don’t seem to realize that it’s their SKILLS and EXPERIENCE that can translate in a number of ways in a variety of fields. You are unique. NO ONE else can do things the way that you do them. We all need to hone in on exactly what our strengths are and figure out where that may be relevant elsewhere and then - and this is the big one - MARKET YOURSELF! If you don’t have the right words for your skills ask family and friends or call my friend Mandy Minor at She can help you articulate your skills and translate those abilities into to something new!

You need to SHOW prospective employers what you can do. I’ve encouraged you to tell everyone you know that you’re looking for work but we really need to take it a step further in this economy. For me it’s a media package with radio & commercial demos, pictures, and hard copy examples of my work and research. It’s been a constant stream of communication with EVERYONE I can connect with in the industry. I’ve accepted guest spots on other radio shows! And most of the real “Players” I’ve found are networking on You can post your work and your resume there too! And in fact, THIS Blog is also one of the ways I’m keeping my name out there and reminding hiring managers that I’m ready and looking for work and it DID get me some priceless attention recently! You hear stories about jobs that exist but managers can’t find qualified candidates? If they can’t find you, they can’t hire you. Put your resume on a T-shirt! Stand outside the company you want to work for with a sign and your resume! Do what you have to do to get yourself noticed. It will have to be something tailor-made for the type of job you’re looking for but NOW is the time to take a chance and take charge of your career! What do you have to lose?

So while I pick out what to wear, what to bring, and what to say in my Interviews I wanted to share with you some of the stories I’ve found that nail down the info for you!

Five things to bring to the Interview:>1=23000

How to answers some of those Interview questions:>1=23000

How to decode body language in an Interview:

Some good advice about the interview from a Lead Technical Recruiter for Harvey Nash

Be yourself but don’t be shy about telling the hiring manager that you WANT the job and make sure that they know you can DO IT! I’ll have more details about how the interviews went in Next Thursday’s Blog - so bookmark it today! And let us know what worked to get you the job!

Wish me luck…and keep the faith!
Corey Dylan

Thursday, September 8, 2011

More than 2,000 readers in two months! Today: How do YOU look on paper?

Today, the President will address Congress on the Job “situation.” There are apparently lots of roads and bridges that need to be built and about 1 million unemployed construction workers in the U.S. ready and willing to build them. That may give you hope if you know how to build a road or a bridge. I don’t. Recent Polls show the economy and jobs are the public's top concerns and I know that’s true, especially if you’re unemployed or on the verge of losing your job like so many.

For most of us it’s been a while since we last looked for a job. For me, it’s been ten years since my last job hunt and things have changed DRAMATICALLY! I remember it like it was yesterday, but it was actually one month before 9/11. The media landscape was rattled along with the rest of the world and I had to take a hard look at my career and ask, “Should I keep looking for a job in radio?” The answer was a definitive “YES!” I know without a doubt that I was meant to be a broadcaster. These days we have to ask, “Does the job you’ve worked hard at for years even exist anymore?” It’s clear things are evolving before our eyes. And it’s easy to fall out of practice of writing a contemporary resume and your interview skills may be a bit rusty. Did Social Networking even EXIST the last time you were looking for work? It’s really a different world out there so I’ve set out to find the answers to questions you may be asking.

I spoke to Mandy Minor of, a writing and design company, about crafting a stronger resume.

Corey: This is the toughest economy any of us have ever lived through. What's the best way to "stand out" on paper in the very large crowd of increasingly unemployed candidates who are finding it tough to compete for jobs with those who are currently employed?

Mandy: It used to be common that you could submit a resume and wait for the phone to ring – and it would. That just doesn’t happen anymore; too many people looking for work. So while it’s still important to have a resume that showcases what you can do for the potential employer, it’s even more important to network and get comfortable with using technology in your job search. The Internet is ripe with articles on using Twitter, LinkedIn, and even Facebook to ferret out opportunities. And a good resume writer is now also a career coach who will have tips and ideas you can leverage to maximize your search

Corey: Most people change careers at least 5 times in their lifetime. What advice would you give to someone who is trying to move into a new field?

Mandy: The fact that people change careers so often – and it’s totally true – should make any job seeker feel better about their varied past. The trick is to focus on specific projects and accomplishments and how they benefited past employers. Most skill sets are useful in any industry. What architect doesn’t need project managers and sales people? What medical sales company doesn’t need associates with great follow-up and client relations? Chances are your skill set is going to be useful in a number of industries and positions

Corey: You write a lot of resumes and cover letters for other people. Why would someone hire someone else to write their resume?

Mandy: There are so many reasons! : )
a. Resume writing is a balance of skill, experience, and psychology that you don’t know – nor should you. You go to specialists all the time for help with things you need only occasionally (oil changes, haircuts, medical treatment); resume writing is no different.

b. When you use a resume writer you’re saving yourself a ton of time. I’ve talked to people who have spent weeks trying to get their resume just right. Within seven days I’ve got their resume, cover letter, and interview follow-up letter done, and they can now focus on finding opportunities that are right for them.

c. Perspective. Writing a resume is most definitely a “forest for the trees” issue. I’m not sure how well my resume would turn out if I wrote it, simply because I’m too close to the situation and too emotionally involved to be impartial. Usually when you’re writing your resume it’s because you have to. You’re feeling pressured, maybe a little insecure, and pressed for time. A good resume writer not only get you the documents you need, but takes all of that away. I’ve had clients who were totally stressed out and feeling like unworthy candidates do a 180 in the self-confidence department when they saw how much they had accomplished in their careers. Only a third party can get to that level with you

Corey: Are you seeing different types of jobs open up in this economy that people in disappearing fields may be a good fit for? Where are the jobs?

Mandy: Solid skill sets are always going to be in demand; the trick is figuring out how to position yours so that it’s the skills that are the focus, not the industries where you used them. But it’s never a bad idea to keep your ear to the ground of what’s up-and-coming in career demands. Medical is hiring, and sales is almost always a good bet. I regularly post articles about hiring industries, specific job openings, and other useful career stuff on our Facebook page. Just go to Facebook and search for “J Allan Resume Studios.”
According to Mandy, here are some tips anyone can use to strengthen their resume:
a. Have an opening statement that’s an easily-read core competencies section that focuses more on what you can do for the employer and less on you.

b. Create a separate section for awards and recognitions to ensure they see that you’ve materially contributed to the success of past employers, and sections for trainings and community service to show off your well-roundedness.

c. Use numbers to quantify your achievements, i.e. how many quotes did you formulate in a month, and how many were accepted? Things like that.

d. Never badmouth anyone or any entity. I know what someone means when they say, “Excel in areas and in environments where other associates fail” but it sounds too brag-y.

e. Downplay entrepreneurial experience because many employers are scared business owners will leave once the economy picks up. Portray this kind of experience in a light that’s more “employee” that “boss.”

f. Your resume needs to be two pages maximum. It seems like a daunting tasks but is eminently do-able.

g. Implement keywords that show up in job descriptions as close to the top of your resume as possible, say in a career summary or core competencies section. This helps your resume get past ATS (applicant tracking software), the scanning software that many resumes meet before a person reviews them.

Thanks, Mandy! We’ll put your experience and advice into practice.

Keep the faith!
Corey Dylan

Additional Articles:
How to answers some of those Interview questions:>1=23000

3 words that can kill your job search:>1=23000

Thursday, September 1, 2011

You want to work so WHERE are the jobs?!?!

There was some hope that the President and Congress would put aside their bickering and figuring out the problem with unemployment yesterday but it turns out they can’t even agree on a DATE to talk about it! Finding a job in this difficult economy is definitely…difficult. August is a very slow month for most businesses so you can be glad that it’s over and OUT! But I haven’t slowed down the networking and barrage of emails and resumes being sent out any time I hear of a potential opening. Neither should you! This week alone three MAJOR job openings came to light and I’m on it! It’s a numbers game and as most have reminded me, “Unemployment is temporary!”

A colleague and friend recommended that I “beef up” my LinkedIN profile. My first thought was, “That’s just for business types?!” But it’s not. If you need a job and you want to connect with other people who are doing what you’re doing, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIN are a vital resource for you right now. LinkedIN puts your resume online and connects you easily to the players in your industry. Sign up and start making your network work for YOU. This week, with a simple tweet, a consultant took notice and asked for my resume! I’m telling you, Social Media will get you noticed today.

Part of the problem for the unemployed is finding the jobs to apply for! Ask everyone if they know of something you may be suitable for. And don’t be deterred by the email that goes unanswered. People are busy and hiring new employees always seems like a last priority. Keep your name out there and top of mind.

So where are the jobs? Here is a link to a recent Inc. Magazine article covering the Top Ten Job Creators: And a recent article from The St. Petersburg Times highlights four companies that are hiring in Tampa Bay:

It’s not what you know but WHO you know that’s going to get you the job. Continue to make noise and start reaching out to everyone and anyone that may help you land that job. That much isn’t news but the methods that will help you land a job are changing. In next week’s Blog I talk to a professional resume writer. She has some great advice for you to help you make your resume stand OUT and land you the job.

Until then….keep the faith!
Corey Dylan