Sunday, July 3, 2011

Now serving customer #13,900,001

This is a Blog about losing your job, finding a new one, and everything that happens in between.

On Friday, July 1st, 2011 I lost a job I love. Word got out. The phone rang off the hook. I was flooded with text messages and emails of support. I’m not bitter, I’m motivated and energized to land the next great gig and start my next adventure!

My brother once said “The only thing worse than NOT having a job is having one!” All jokes aside, the purpose of this Blog isn’t to make light of the fact that we are living in hard times with record unemployment in our lifetime. My intention is to build a community and support network that looks for the silver lining in a tough situation and highlights ways to make your life easier during a difficult time. I’m also going to share the details of my job search since so many friends have asked me to keep them up to date!

You are not alone. I’m right there with you. I love broadcasting and it’s what I’ve done professionally since I was 18 years old. In that time I’ve made more friends than one could hope for in all walks of life. I’ve created this Blog because communicating with interesting people with individual interests and unique qualities is what I do. It’s in my blood and having this outlet serves a cathartic purpose for me. I also want to share the details of my search and resources I find with you!

As of May 2011, the unemployment rate in Florida is 10.8%. This number does not take into account people who want to work full-time but have only found part-time work. It also does not include the unemployed that have given up hope and stopped looking for work all together. The actual unemployment number is really closer to 17% in the Sunshine State. If you’re not unemployed, you know someone that is.

First thing’s first. You may have some money coming to you. Your eligibility for collecting unemployment benefits depends primarily upon the type of employment you’ve held and the reason for separation from your most recent job. You may collect unemployment benefits if you are either unemployed or partially employed. You may be able to file online.

You may also have money that belongs to you in a forgotten bank account or inheritance!

In my next Blog, this Frugalita with Champagne tastes on a beer budget will share some of the best ways to cut costs and save money in Tampa Bay and online!

Keep the faith!
Corey Dylan


  1. Welcome to the club Corey. Radio has changed a lot in the past couple of years, and I'm right there with you. I did mornings and PD in Houston with Cox... i'm 9 months out on my job search now.. but some cool things have happened. I too have been blogging about my experiences. I taught skiing full time this past season for the first time, reconnected with family and friends.. and spent time doing things like reading, hiking and mountain biking.
    Good luck in your journey.. things happen for a reason, but don't let the demons get the upper hand. contact all the usual suspects in the biz and stay busy.
    I'll be following you..
    Dain Craig

  2. Hey Corey. Love your positive attitude. Best of luck, and my ears are open, hon.


  3. Corey,

    I've got two words: Chumbawamba - Tubthumping

    Would love to see you add a podcast and maybe a Grooveshark channel.

    Take a look look at what Adam Curry has built with and, on a smaller scale, Liz Wylder's

    Good luck,


  4. Although I am not in broadcasting myself, I sympathize with the situation you find yourself in.

    And quite frankly, the new programming over at your former employer SUCKS. Just about every person I knew that listened to that station has deprogrammed them from their radios. There were a lot of angry people at parties this weekend that had lost their favorite tunes. The station lost tens of thousands of listeners who won't be coming back.

  5. Thanks for your support, guys! I'm taking your advice and looking into all sorts of options!

  6. I'll be following and wishing you the best of luck! Hopefully you'll land a job on the West Coast :)Allie

  7. Good luck. Things will work out.

  8. very true about unplugging the appliance. I actually learned this tip from a friend who works on power lines.
