Thursday, July 14, 2011

Busy Body

This is a Blog about losing your job, finding a new one, and everything that happens in between.

Being unemployed gives you plenty of time, but of course, little money. Since I lost my job July 1st my time has been spent replying to hundreds of emails, writing some of my own to prospective employers and numerous contacts all over the country, and luckily, with family who flew into town for a week. I suppose I’m in denial about the fact that I’m unemployed because I’ve been so busy. But I realized that time spent with the people you love most and those who are the most supportive give you the boost you need tackle each new day with gusto. The people who are supportive in your life are really all that matter and they’re going to help you land your next job.

With little money expected to come in after you lose a job, finding your next job is priority #1. The last time I lost a job was right before 9/11 and my unemployment lasted 10 months. During that time I was busy with a couple part-time jobs and sending my resume to over one hundred prospective employers. This go-round I’ve found Facebook to be invaluable for putting me in touch with literally hundreds of contacts. Like any business, it’s not what you know but WHO you know that will help you land that next job. Reach out to as many people as you can and tell them you’re eager to work. Put yourself out there! Tell the world you’re looking for work! Chances are, that’s your best bet to land a great new job.

I’m open to new opportunities and I have a good feeling about the next chapter of my life. Everyone I know who’s ever been “fired” from a job lands a better one eventually. I’m energized by the people who are sending emails of support but also actively helping me find my next job! It’s been an amazing experience so far and I can‘t wait to try new things.

When you’re unemployed your new job is finding a job. While searching for opportunity and sending out resumes is important, you can only spend so much time each day on what seems like a limited exercise. It’s also a good idea to use the extra time you have while you’re unemployed to make your self a better candidate for the next big thing! Is there something you’re curious about or have always wanted to try? Broaden your horizons! MIT, the well-respected Massachusetts Institute of Technology, offers FREE lectures and course material on everything from Photography to Technology:

And who says you’re not on vacation until the next opportunity comes along? Before I lost my job I had already paid for a cruise in August to celebrate my birthday. I’m not going to let a job loss stop me from going! Maybe you too can look at your unemployed status as an opportunity to TRAVEL! Putting yourself in a new environment combined with your skills may actually help you land a free trip or use the time you now have to do something you’ve always wanted to do. Here’s an inspiring article I found from Travel & Leisure about vacations that are a good use of your time and won’t cost you a bundle when you‘re unemployed:

If you’re single and want to meet new people you can even find dates for FREE:

And one of the best freebies in Tampa Bay is a stroll through the Tampa Bay Museum of Art which offers FREE admission every Friday, from 4pm until 8pm, for “Art On The House!” They have pieces from some of my favorites on display: Chuck Close and Dale Chihuly.

Times are tough in the job market, no doubt about it. But I KNOW that there is opportunity out there for all of us. We’ll either find a great job or create our own because we have something of value to offer the next employer. I consider this chapter of my life another adventure and I NEVER turn down an adventure!

Keep the faith,
Corey Dylan

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